Newsletter Aug 2022
Dear Parent/Carers,
What a great first week we have had back at school! Thank you all for presenting your children so beautifully, they have returned to school so keen, enthusiastic and ready to learn. A huge well done to our new P1 children who, despite an unexpected fire alarm on their first morning, have settled so well into their new school routine. We are definitely ready for a great year of learning and fun!
St. Bernard’s Fun Day
To officially celebrate our School Feast Day, we all attended Mass at St. Robert’s Church this morning. As our feast day is on a Saturday this year (20th August) our Annual Fun Day will be held for the children on Friday the 26thAugust. For our new families and children our fun day is filled with games, raffles, bouncy castle, beat the goalie and a bring and buy event. We would be grateful of any donations of raffle prizes, toys, games and home baking. All money raised will go towards our school funds. Last year we were able to purchase a selection of new fiction/non fiction books for all class libraries in the school, buy portable boomboxes for use throughout the school and to help pay for the P7 Graduation. Friday 26th of August will also be a non-uniform day. All donations can be dropped off at the school office.
Staff News
We welcome our new teachers Mr McCallum(P7a) and Mrs McLachlan(P5b) who have joined our team this year. We also say huge congratulations to 2 of our staff who got married over the Summer holidays - Miss Smith in the office who is now Mrs Ash and Miss Crawford who is now Mrs Wilson – many congratulations to you both!
Essential Information
Your child will require a waterproof Jacket every day in school as all playtimes/lunchtimes will be outdoors, as will class gym times. If you have not yet provided your child with indoor shoes, could you please send them in as soon as possible. All classrooms are carpeted and if children are increasingly outdoors this can mean that dirt from their shoes is unavoidably being brought into the classrooms.
Please ensure that your child’s name is on all of their belongings, many children have the same jackets/blazers/jumpers and water bottles. Having your child’s name on their things hugely reduces the risk of items being mixed up and if lost being returned to the correct owners quickly.
To ensure the safety of all children parents are asked to drop off and collect their children within the drop off zone and not to come into the school playground. If you need to relay a message to the teacher, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team who can pass this information on or please contact the school office.
Parent Portal
Glasgow City Council are rolling out a digital communication platform called Parent Portal in all schools. We are introducing this new system this year. Your child will bring home the letter containing the details of how you sign up for this. Using Parent Portal replaces the traditional school bag run and allows parents and families to communicate via a single sign on approach.
Using Parent Portal will allow you to update your personal records (Phone number, emergency contacts, address) as and when you need to without having to contact the school.
Parent Pay
We will be continuing to use ParentPay this year – if you need any further information or help to use this application please contact the school office. ParentPay will be used for all school purchases (lunch, trips, ties, etc)
Using ParentPay allows children to pre-select their meals and ensure that the food they enjoy will be available.
All classes will receive their Home Learning Codes for Seesaw today.
Our first Friday mass at St Robert’s Church will be Friday 7th October.
This a gentle reminder that we are a nut-free school and would ask that you can support us with this matter by not allowing your children to bring in any snacks that contain nuts!
Thank you for your on-going support, please do not hesitate to contact the school with any concerns you may have.
Elaine MacEachen
Head Teacher