Welcome to St. Bernard's Primary School,
I would like to welcome you and your child to St. Bernard's Primary School. If you were to ask our current parents why they chose our school for their child, they would probably tell you that the pupils here are happy, balanced and at ease with themselves and with each other – yet at the same time excited and enthused by the challenges before them.
They might also say that school achieves the rare distinction of combining academic excellence with a wealth of practical experience and extra curricular opportunities so that each child is stimulated, educated and developed to their full potential.
We strongly believe that education and learning should be fun and your child's happiness is our number one priority. Our school is a place where children learn, develop and yet enjoy themselves in a totally safe and friendly environment. We aim to encourage our children to become confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Through the curriculum of our school, the children will be actively involved in their own learning allowing them to realise their full potential and develop spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, socially and physically.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions which you will ever have to make so I hope that the information which we have provided here helps you in that choice. I am always available to talk to any prospective or current parent, so if you have any questions about the school please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs E MacEachen
Our School Vision
With Christ in our hearts, we aim to build a strong Catholic Community of Faith and Learning. We aim to provide a welcoming and caring environment which is inclusive, supportive, happy and healthy. We encourage all of our St. Bernard’s family to use the talents God has given them for the good of other people, the world around them and to achieve excellence in all that they do.
F ollowing in Jesus’ footsteps, putting love into action every day.
A chieving and aiming to be the best we can be.
ncluding everyone to learn, play and pray.
Trusting in God and each other.
H onesty and fairness in all we do.
Our Mission Statement:
“Love to Learn and Learn to Love”